Do people even keep bucket lists anymore?
Most of the people I've talked to don't keep a "real" bucket list. A lot of my friends will pin things that could qualify as bucket list items; most people have things they absolutely want to do in their lives, but do they keep lists?
When I was younger I was never really sure what a bucket list was, or why I would want one. Why would I keep a piece of paper with me my entire life? Now, I know that it doesn't necessarily have to be a physical piece of paper, or even really written down. However, I find that keeping the traditional idea of a bucket list alive is so charming, and incidentally a huge part of my life.
Whenever I'm feeling uninspired, I pull out my bucket list.
Yes, I do keep a very literal bucket list. I made it when I was in high school, and have continued to add things to it as I come up with them. I've even been able to cross some things off!
I wrote my bucket list on a piece of paper from my favorite notebook (I have this weird, sentimental attachment to it, I only write *very* important things in it). I used a "pretty" pen and used my very best handwriting. It started as a list of things I wanted to do during my gap year - which I never actually took, but that's a story for another time. It's since evolved to include more life experiences than simply places to visit.
For me, this list represents my innocence. It represents the dreams I've had since before real life hit. Things that are true desires, that had nothing to do with showing off to my friends on social media or to add to my resume. They're raw dreams that can't ever be tainted. And they're forever written on this piece of paper I guard with my life (not really, but it is stuck in my journal, so it's kind of the same thing).
Some people never had that innocence, they never dared to dream big, so maybe that's why they don't keep a bucket list of their own. Others may fear never achieving all of the things their list, so they never dare to write it down. In that sense, I can understand the fear. Some people can't give themselves the room to dream big, or to be disappointed, and to each his own. If I hadn't had that bucket list I made so long ago, though, my dreams would have stopped ages ago. I probably wouldn't have made it as far as I have in life. For that, I must thank high-school me, and my bucket list.
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